研究队伍 >
朱征,中国科学院大学卡弗里理论科学研究所长聘教轨助理教授,国家海外高层次人才引进计划青年项目入选者。 2010年在南京大学理科强化部取得物理学学士学位,2015年在清华大学高等研究院取得凝聚态物理学博士学位。2015年至2020年在美国麻省理工学院物理系和哈佛大学物理系从事博士后研究,2020年9月加入中国科学院大学。
[1]. Zheng Zhu, D. N. Sheng, Inti Sodemann, Widely Tunable Quantum Phase Transition from Moore-Read to Composite Fermi Liquid in Bilayer Graphene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 097604 (2020).
[2]. Zheng Zhu, D. N. Sheng, Liang Fu, Spin/orbital density wave and Mott insulator in two-orbital Hubbard model on honeycomb lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 087602 (2019).
[3]. Rong-Yang Sun#, Zheng Zhu#, Zheng-Yu Weng, Localization in a t-J type ladder with translational symmetry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 016601(2019).
[4]. Zheng Zhu, Itamar Kimchi, D.N. Sheng, Liang Fu, Robust non-Abelian spin liquid and a possible intermediate phase in the antiferromagnetic Kitaev model with magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B: Rapid Communications 97, 241110 (2018).
[5]. Zheng Zhu, Liang Fu, D.N. Sheng, Numerical Study of Quantum Hall Bilayers at Total Filling \nu_T=1: A New Phase at Intermediate Layer Distances. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 177601 (2017).
[6]. Inti Sodemann, Zheng Zhu, and Liang Fu, Quantum Hall ferroelectrics and nematics in multivalley systems, Phys. Rev. X 7, 041068 (2017).
[7]. Zheng Zhu, Inti Sodemann, D.N. Sheng, Liang Fu, Anisotropy Driven Transition from Moore-Read State to Quantum Hall Stripes, Phys. Rev. B: Rapid Communications 95, 201116 (2017).
[8]. Rong-Yang Sun, Zheng Zhu#, Metal-insulator transition and intermediate phases in the kagome lattice Hubbard model, Phys. Rev. B: Letter 104, L121118 (2021).
[9]. Zheng Zhu, Zheng-Yu Weng, D. N. Sheng, Magnetic Field Induced Spin Liquids in S=1 Kitaev Honeycomb Model, Phys. Rev. Research: Rapid Communications 2, 022047 (2020).
[10]. Zheng Zhu, Shao-Kai Jian, D. N. Sheng,Exciton Condensation in Quantum Hall Bilayers at Total Filling \nu_T=5, Phys. Rev. B: Rapid Communications 99, 201108 (2019) (Editors’ suggestion).